Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
Ep 235: You are what you DIGEST & tips for improving gut health
Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
Tuesday Jan 03, 2023
You are what you digest. That is the topic we're looking at today. So, before we dive into that, I just want to paint a little picture and see if this resonates with you.
If you listen to this podcast, you're obviously interested and mindful of your health and want to improve it and maintain it. You're aware that what you eat matters. You may have a couple of health issues going on and you may feel slightly unsatisfied at the kind of conventional root that you've been given or you want to add and supercharge the conventional approach with some holistic approaches and nutrition.
You know that what you eat is important. You have a bookshelf with some recipe books that are good. You may listen to other podcasts in the health space, and you feel like you've probably made some good changes to your diet.
You still feel tired. You still get bloated. You may still have hormonal issues. That change that you saw when you initially ditched gluten or sugar or whatever it is, was significant and amazing, but you've not really seen an overall full change.
But you still feel that kind of wading through treacle. That feeling which is all totally normal. This is a problem that I see a lot when I chat to clients about working with them. They come to me a little bit confused. They have seen improvement and they feel like they're eating relatively well, but they're still feeling a bit rubbish.
And the reason for this would be coming down to today's topic, which is ‘You are what you digest’
Want to see BIG results in your energy, belly, skin and hormones?
Then chances are you need some personalised support (hint – that is what I do!). Click here to find out more and to book your call with me.
Resources Mentioned
- Find out more about working with me here – and book your call.
- Find out more on how to deal with constipation – here and here
- Find out about the BIGGEST mistake people make in supporting their digestion here
- Looking for free-from recipes? Then check out all my yummy recipe here
Head to kezihall.com/blog to stream from there or subscribe to the Gut Goddess Show on iTunes and then it will delivered to your device every single week.
Thursday Dec 29, 2022
Thursday Dec 29, 2022
In this episode, I want to point out how often we take better care of our bathrooms or our cars or our iPhones than we do our body.
We often have a really logical response to the toilet being broken. You either have the knowledge and you fix it yourself, and you see that progress: The toilet was broken. Now it's fixed. Boom, great.
Or you will get help with figuring out what the root cause is. You don't just think, ‘Oh, maybe I'll put some bleach down the toilet’ - That's maybe the problem. No, you find out what the problem is.
But so often when it comes to our bodies and our health, we don't do that.
Which is when you realise it, you think that's very weird and really illogical. So many people that I work with are trying to fix their metaphorical bathroom when they don't have the skills.
They don't know what the problem is, and they've never had proper investigation work. Like they don't actually know what problem they're trying to solve.
And for some reason, (and we won't even go into all the potential reasons for why we have this really different response to our bodies.
If you are wanting to feel better in your body and you're struggling and you know there's a problem like bloating, gut issues, weird weight gain, fatigue, brain fog, poor sleep, awful hormonal symptoms, or skin issues.
These are all your “bathroom leaks” - There's a problem that's obvious. Maybe you have an autoimmune diagnosis, maybe you're getting stuff investigated just now, but you know there's a problem. You just don't know what's going on but so often people put effort into their diet, into their health and investing money or time, but they actually don't even know what the key problem or often key problems are.
So it's really time that we started to approach our bodies and our health, just like we would do our homes, just like you would do if your iPhone stopped working, you're not going to suddenly try and just fix your iPhone. You don't know how the iPhone works. You'll take it to someone, try and figure out what the problem was, and then get it fixed.
I think sometimes we get really overwhelmed by our bodies and albeit our bodies are far more complicated than an iPhone for sure, or a bathroom is more complex systems going on.
We often just get really overwhelmed and paralysed then don't take any action. Whereas if we can really apply this way of thinking and just realise that we need support to figure it out.
So I want to encourage you to think…
Am I treating my body as well as I treat other items in my home?
Am I treating my body with the same logic, the same strategy, and the same care?
Am I giving myself permission to feel better, to heal, to actually get support to know what the problem is?
Want to see BIG results in your energy, belly, skin and hormones?
Then chances are you need some personalised support (hint – that is what I do!). Click here to find out more and to book your call with me.
Resources Mentioned
- Find out more about working with me here – and book your call.
- Find out more on how to deal with constipation – here and here
- Find out about the BIGGEST mistake people make in supporting their digestion here
- Looking for free-from recipes? Then check out all my yummy recipe here
Head to kezihall.com/blog to stream from there or subscribe to the Gut Goddess Show on iTunes and then it will delivered to your device every single week.
Tuesday Dec 27, 2022
Ep 234: From BURNT OUT to THRIVING. Two Women, Two Different Stories
Tuesday Dec 27, 2022
Tuesday Dec 27, 2022
I want to share some stories with you about two women, two different stories, two different continents and how this year they've gone from burnt out to thriving and feeling good.
I share these stories with you, because as we enter New Year, you might be listening to this in a slight like sugar, alcohol coma (which is fine by the way) but you might be thinking about the year ahead and thinking…
Oh, can I, do I get to feel better?
When do I get to feel better?
When will things change?
Maybe you wanted that for the current year, and it didn't happen.
So, I want to share these stories with you because there is hope, there is possibility if you are willing to do something different.
If you're willing to bet on yourself and invest in yourself and go for it, change is possible. You CAN go from burnt out to thriving.
You can create this totally new default relationship with food that is healthy and easy.
You can have energy.
You can have your brain turned back on and your body turned back on.
You can lose weight and you can enjoy your food.
You can do all the things that you want to do.
Want to see BIG results in your energy, belly, skin and hormones?
Then chances are you need some personalised support (hint – that is what I do!). Click here to find out more and to book your call with me.
Resources Mentioned
- Find out more about working with me here – and book your call.
- Find out more on how to deal with constipation – here and here
- Find out about the BIGGEST mistake people make in supporting their digestion here
- Looking for free-from recipes? Then check out all my yummy recipe here
Head to kezihall.com/blog to stream from there or subscribe to the Gut Goddess Show on iTunes and then it will delivered to your device every single week.
Thursday Dec 22, 2022
MINI 8: Food Is Data
Thursday Dec 22, 2022
Thursday Dec 22, 2022
This episode is an invitation for you when it comes to thinking about food.
When it comes to food, every time that you eat something, think about it like you're giving your body some data - Like little data messages going into your body every time you eat something and depending on your food choices, on your unique body, what your body needs, what you need to support, what systems you need to bolster, maybe you need to boost your immune system.
Maybe you need to support your digestion and hormones. Maybe you need support for all of it like a lot of my clients. The food that you eat can really add to that.
It can give your body a message that's really supportive. It can add data, it can be a data input that's really going to help all your systems run more optimally and smoothly.
Or the data that you have, the food that you input can add extra strain and stress onto your body. So, it can be really helpful to think about what is the general input I'm giving? What is the general data message? Is it processed and adding burden onto my body? Or am I giving my body literal ingredients and data points that really help to reduce inflammation and create the kind of life that I want to live.
The reason we eat food is because your body needs certain vitamins and amino acids that it cannot create and cannot store itself. The food that you eat is so critical to your existence. So, it can be really helpful if you're struggling with your health to just really look at and become aware of your relationship to food.
Become aware of how much power it has and how powerful you are in that relationship because the food that you eat on a daily basis can either really drive the kind of life you want to live and really promote the kind of biology that you need to deal with.
Whatever health issues you have or the food that you can eat can add a whole other layer of burden and toxicity depending on what's going on and a really helpful way to look at that is to look at it like data.
What data's going into my body? What messages am I giving my body? How hard am I making things for my body? Or how much am I supporting my body with the food that I eat?
Want to see BIG results in your energy, belly, skin and hormones?
Then chances are you need some personalised support (hint – that is what I do!). Click here to find out more and to book your call with me.
Resources Mentioned
- Find out more about working with me here – and book your call.
- Find out more on how to deal with constipation – here and here
- Find out about the BIGGEST mistake people make in supporting their digestion here
- Looking for free-from recipes? Then check out all my yummy recipe here
Head to kezihall.com/blog to stream from there or subscribe to the Gut Goddess Show on iTunes and then it will delivered to your device every single week.
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
Ep 233: 4 daily ’hacks’ that I use to improve my digestion
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
In this episode, we are going to be talking about some of the daily things that I do and that I get clients to do in order to help support their gut health, their digestion, to help prevent bloating, crazy toilet habits and all of that sort of stuff.
These are some quick and dirty digestion hacks and they're going to be 4 things that I do regularly and I feel like they can make a really big difference.
I really hope that this podcast really equips you to take action so that step by step you can create that healthy life that you want to live and that you CAN live.
So, after listening today, I encourage you to think about one thing (and it can be tiny) that you can implement.
These are four really actionable things but I also want to say that I have done a lot of deep work when it comes to my health and my clients and these 4 things wouldn't fundamentally shift the issues with IBS and things that I had. (The diarrhea, the depression, the anxiety, I had gut infections, I had parasites, I had heavy metal toxicity, I had lots of different thing so I needed to do much deeper work than these 4 things.
So, I want to put a caveat on this. If you've had horrendous digestive issues and we are talking about really bad bowels, really bad IBS, you feel like it's a big problem, then you probably need deeper work than this.
If you would like to book a call with me, we can chat about it further and I can give you some info and give you an outline of what your program might be in terms of working together.
But these things are really great things to do. The above doesn’t dismiss these factors at all.
If you are really struggling wherever you are at, whether you've got mild digestive issues, horrendous digestive issues or to that, even if you are actually looking on focusing on encouraging, encouraging, increasing your energy, all these things are a great idea as well.
Whatever your health goal is… If you're looking to balance your hormones, lose weight, improve your mental wellbeing etc, these 4 things can really help.
And why is that? Is because your gut health is foundational and fundamental for the rest of your body. It affects your immune system, your endocrine or your hormonal system, your skin, your mind.
So, it's really important. If you are thinking ‘No, Kezia, I don't really feel like I have that many digestive issues’ - These things WILL benefit your life.
If you support your gut health, you support the rest of your health
Want to see BIG results in your energy, belly, skin and hormones?
Then chances are you need some personalised support (hint – that is what I do!). Click here to find out more and to book your call with me.
Resources Mentioned
- Find out more about working with me here – and book your call.
- Find out more on how to deal with constipation – here and here
- Find out about the BIGGEST mistake people make in supporting their digestion here
- Looking for free-from recipes? Then check out all my yummy recipe here
Head to kezihall.com/blog to stream from there or subscribe to the Gut Goddess Show on iTunes and then it will delivered to your device every single week.
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
MINI #7: Remember Your Power
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
A quick thought for the day and a reminder to you.
What I've learnt after 6/7 years of working with clients and what I've realised is this, is that we have way more power and we can have way more impact than we can ever realise, and we currently realise, or ever been told.
Often, when it comes to our health, what we're taught growing up, what I was taught growing up is that you give your power and authority for your body and health to somebody else who's better trained and there is some wisdom in that but what we know now and what I know from just working with clients and from seeing their transformation but also what we can see in the data is that when you look at nutritional science, when you look at
- lifestyle changes
- whole person approaches and functional medicine
- someone's whole life
- the regular choices, the day-to-day things
- what you eat on a day-to-day basis
- how well you sleep
- how you deal with stress management
- community relationships
- the environment in which you live in
- toxin exposure (and there's even research coming in about EMFs and all those kinds of things)
Those things have a massive impact and those are all things that we have a choice over.
If you're listening to this before the 21st of December, you can get access to my Eat and Be Merry Recipe ebook.
This is full of all of my favourite, most delicious, festive recipes. From stolen bites to gingerbread muffins, to Christmas cake, to brownies to, or basically all the snack and treat recipes that you need so that you can enjoy Christmas, feel festive, have some treats, but also not be bloated, sluggish, tired, and fatigued and enter the new year feeling more like a winter whale, then a fabulous goddess.
I've put it all in the Eat and Be Merry Recipe ebook.
It's only £11. You can buy it now if you go to keziahall.com/bemerry. It's basically your survival guide to the holiday season.
Want to see BIG results in your energy, belly, skin and hormones?
Then chances are you need some personalised support (hint – that is what I do!). Click here to find out more and to book your call with me.
Resources Mentioned
- Find out more about working with me here – and book your call.
- Find out more on how to deal with constipation – here and here
- Find out about the BIGGEST mistake people make in supporting their digestion here
- Looking for free-from recipes? Then check out all my yummy recipe here
Head to kezihall.com/blog to stream from there or subscribe to the Gut Goddess Show on iTunes and then it will delivered to your device every single week.
Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
Ep 232: Gut Health Basics - How It Works & Why It’s so Important
Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
Let's talk about digestion. What I'm going to be looking at is giving you a good overview of what digestion is and also like the secrets to good digestion.
So what are the basics to having really optimal and also why that's even important.
Because it's a fundamental part of the practice that I do with clients because it makes a really big difference if their digestion is off.
Now, the first thing to note about digestion is this isn't only applicable to you if you have digestive issues. So, maybe you are listening to this if you have IBS or you look really bloated at the end of the day and you would kind of, you know, you might be thinking that you need to work on your digestion.
But even if, for example, you have an autoimmune issue, actually, then what we really need to work on is digestion.
Maybe you have skin issues, maybe it's acne, psoriasis, eczema, random rashes, or skin infections. Again, we need to really look at digestion and digestive function.
Whatever kind of issue you're facing, digestion is a really, really important part of our wellbeing as human beings, because the point of digestion is to take and extract nutrients and certain kind of compounds in order to use them in the body.
You need to support your digestion and it could be causing you problems even if you don't have digestive symptoms. So with all my clients, we'll always support the digestive process, even if the main reason they're coming to me is because they have really bad eczema, for example.
Then we'll still look at optimizing digestion. So, I just want to make that really, really clear from the get go. But what I really wanna look at in this episode is just getting super specific about ways that you can really optimize your digestion and looking at some of the basic functions of this thing called digestion that we need to make sure is working well and the practical things you can do.
I've got six different points to go through and so by the end of this podcast, you should have a really clear idea of what might be going wrong with your digestion, if you suspect that, and also ways that you can really support it.
If you're listening to this before the 21st of December, you can get access to my Eat and Be Merry Recipe ebook.
This is full of all of my favorite, most delicious, festive recipes. From stolen bites to gingerbread muffins, to Christmas cake, to brownies to, or basically all the snack and treat recipes that you need so that you can enjoy Christmas, feel festive, have some treats, but also not be bloated, sluggish, tired, and fatigued and enter the new year feeling more like a winter whale, then a fabulous goddess.
I've put it all in the Eat and Be Merry Recipe ebook.
It's only £11. You can buy it now if you go to keziahall.com/bemerry. It's basically your survival guide to the holiday season.
Want to see BIG results in your energy, belly, skin and hormones?
Then chances are you need some personalised support (hint – that is what I do!). Click here to find out more and to book your call with me.
Resources Mentioned
- Find out more about working with me here – and book your call.
- Find out more on how to deal with constipation – here and here
- Find out about the BIGGEST mistake people make in supporting their digestion here
- Looking for free-from recipes? Then check out all my yummy recipe here
Head to kezihall.com/blog to stream from there or subscribe to the Gut Goddess Show on iTunes and then it will delivered to your device every single week.
Thursday Dec 08, 2022
MINI #6: If you have ever created or birthed a child - listen to THIS
Thursday Dec 08, 2022
Thursday Dec 08, 2022
I wanna share some thoughts for anybody that has made a human being in their body and And I just wanna remind you of a couple of things because as a holistic nutritionist, I see lots of patterns, work with lots of people, and I just have a couple of reflections offerings to give to you for you to reflect on specifically if you have ever made a human being in your body and been pregnant.
Pregnancy and the act of creating a human being who has never existed before in your body and consuming, growing, hosting, birthing, and then potentially sustaining if you are able to or choose to. Breastfeed is a massively depleting process and the more children you have, the more compounding depletions you can create and culturally, I see this all the time with my clients, is that having children, whilst it's something they maybe chose and brings them joy and is of really positive things in lots of ways, is actually a massive trigger and sometimes mediating factor for their health issues.
Creating, making, birthing and sustaining children is a massive, massive use of energy but we have this ‘bounce back’ culture, which is total BS and I think most of us don't realise how big a deal creating a new human body who has never existed before.
As much as we love our babies, they do act like parasites. They need calcium, they'll take it from your bones, they will take all your reserves physically in terms of your vitamins, nutrients, reserves. Then emotionally, whatever reserves you have left, they will take and then when they arrive, there's no recovery, it's sleep deprivation, it's feeding issues, etc. As they get older, then the challenges shift, but it's still challenging.
Now, this isn't to complain. Like I went into motherhood eyes as wide open as they could be. I knew it was gonna be one of the most challenging testing periods of my entire life, and it definitely has been.
But the thing we forget is sometimes, and this often means we go around wondering why we feel unwell, why we're tired, why our thyroid's gone, why we're bloated, why our gut health is awful, why we're depressed, why we're anxious and we fail to acknowledge the massive output that we have and often continually give to our children.
And if you have ever had children, it's really important wherever you're at now (I work on this with clients like seven years after they've had kids) is that you have periods of time where you intentionally replenish, where you nourish, where you replete those nutrients that have gone where you replete that sleep deprivation where you add back in and for each child that you have had.
So if you had four kids, how much chunks of time have you deliberately, intentionally had where you have replenished your sleep, replenished your nutrients, amino acids, vitamins and minerals, where you have gone in and done any work within your mind that might have come up with a traumatic birth or whatever. All that stuff that can come up. (Your psychology)
Have you done that intentional healing, replenishing time? Most people haven't and then it compounds and as they go on, they get sicker, more tired, more anxious, more depressed, their thyroid goes, the belly goes until they reach crisis point.
So, I just want to encourage you. First of all, making human is a massive deal. It's incredible. Hopefully it's something you chose to do, but we've gotta give ourselves some compassion of how depleting that is.
The next thing is, have you intentionally had long periods of time? I would argue as long as it took to grow, said humans.
So thinking about nine to 10 months of intentional impact on your whole system, your gut, your hormones, your detoxing, your nutrients, your vitamins, your minerals, your psychology, your sleep.
Have you done that? And you might immediately think, ‘Kezia, what planet are you on? I'm looking after a tiny child.’ Like doing this stuff is just a luxury and I would argue that: No, that's not a luxury. That is brainwashing that we have had as mothers, that we are to be Martyrs, left on the altar for our children.
And culturally, we're not given permission and sometimes we also just don't know how. So, that's what I help a lot of people with but I just want to encourage you to look after yourself, acknowledge the massive, massive contribution and creation that you have done.
So, I challenge you: Have you replenished? Have you replenished from having kids?
If you're listening to this before the 21st of December, you can get access to my Eat and Be Merry Recipe ebook.
This is full of all of my favorite, most delicious, festive recipes. From stolen bites to gingerbread muffins, to Christmas cake, to brownies to, or basically all the snack and treat recipes that you need so that you can enjoy Christmas, feel festive, have some treats, but also not be bloated, sluggish, tired, and fatigued and enter the new year feeling more like a winter whale, then a fabulous goddess.
I've put it all in the Eat and Be Merry Recipe ebook.
It's only £11. You can buy it now if you go to keziahall.com/bemerry. It's basically your survival guide to the holiday season.
Want to see BIG results in your energy, belly, skin and hormones?
Then chances are you need some personalised support (hint – that is what I do!). Click here to find out more and to book your call with me.
Resources Mentioned
- Find out more about working with me here – and book your call.
- Find out more on how to deal with constipation – here and here
- Find out about the BIGGEST mistake people make in supporting their digestion here
- Looking for free-from recipes? Then check out all my yummy recipe here
Head to kezihall.com/blog to stream from there or subscribe to the Gut Goddess Show on iTunes and then it will delivered to your device every single week.
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Ep 231: How to eat - My 5 principles
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Hello and welcome to The Gut Goddess Show. I have an incredible episode for you today that is going to inspire and equip you to be as well as healthy, as energised as you can be.
This episode is going to help your gut microbiome, your relationship with food and help you balance your hormones and improve your energy, all while inspiring you, motivating you, and also letting you know you're not in this alone. I'm right here with you. I've got you.
So, before I dive into the five principles and foundations about how to eat and how to eat like a gut goddess, how to eat in a different way, I bet you can look at your bookshelf or your recipe shelf and look at all the different ways you've been told to eat, all the different diets, all the different formulas, all the different kinds of methods to eat but actually what I'm going to be doing today is sharing something a bit different. It's probably not stuff that you've heard before.
It's probably not an approach you have heard a lot about and what I'm going to be talking about is how to eat in a way that really heals your body.
I really approach food from a couple of different angles. I love eating and I love eating food. I think it's fun. I think it's a great way of building community and relationships. It's a great way to celebrate. It's a great way to comfort. It's a great way to have fun. Food is fun. I love eating food. I'm not going to be one of these people that just eats protein shakes for the rest of my life because I love a good bowl of meatballs or tomato soup or whatever it is.
So food is fun. It's a great way to build community love and connection, but it can also be really healing and I do believe it's part of our kind of spiritual act here in the world. It can be a way to really nourish and heal ourselves and our minds and our lives.
Eating is really one of those key foundations that can propel us into our dream health and our dream life and all the things that we've created on this earth to do or it's something that can take away from what we want. It can make our life. Eating in a way that's not helpful, can actually diminish our dreams, can mean we're less able, to have the energy to do all the things that we want to do.
So, that is how I approach food. I approach it with joy, with love, with celebration. I approach it with the knowledge that it's healing, that it's actually something I can do every day to heal and build myself up towards the dreams that I want to live.
If you're listening to this before the 21st of December, you can get access to my Eat and Be Merry Recipe ebook.
This is full of all of my favorite, most delicious, festive recipes. From stolen bites to gingerbread muffins, to Christmas cake, to brownies to, or basically all the snack and treat recipes that you need so that you can enjoy Christmas, feel festive, have some treats, but also not be bloated, sluggish, tired, and fatigued and enter the new year feeling more like a winter whale, then a fabulous goddess.
I've put it all in the Eat and Be Merry Recipe ebook.
It's only £11. You can buy it now if you go to keziahall.com/bemerry. It's basically your survival guide to the holiday season.
Want to see BIG results in your energy, belly, skin and hormones?
Then chances are you need some personalised support (hint – that is what I do!). Click here to find out more and to book your call with me.
Resources Mentioned
- Find out more about working with me here – and book your call.
- Find out more on how to deal with constipation – here and here
- Find out about the BIGGEST mistake people make in supporting their digestion here
- Looking for free-from recipes? Then check out all my yummy recipe here
Head to kezihall.com/blog to stream from there or subscribe to the Gut Goddess Show on iTunes and then it will delivered to your device every single week.
Thursday Dec 01, 2022
MINI #5: We need you well
Thursday Dec 01, 2022
Thursday Dec 01, 2022
The reason that we need you well is because we need you WELL. The world needs you shining bright, glowing, thriving, and being healthy.
We need you to feel resilient with energy and with balanced hormones. This isn't about being perfect or about being thin.
This is about you being well so that you can show up in your life, in your unique way and create beautiful things. Do beautiful things, help serve and be who you are so that you can shine a light on everybody around you.
You being well means you shine bright. You being well means you are no longer in victim and survival mode. You shift into thriving and you role model that for the next generation.
You are an example of that to other people around you. We need you to be well because it nourishes and feeds and helps everybody else.
Head to iTunes and subscribe to The Gut Goddess Show or head to keziahall.com/blog to stream it live from there.
Want to see BIG results in your energy, belly, skin and hormones?
Then chances are you need some personalised support (hint – that is what I do!). Click here to find out more and to book your call with me.
Resources Mentioned
- Find out more about working with me here – and book your call.
- Find out more on how to deal with constipation – here and here
- Find out about the BIGGEST mistake people make in supporting their digestion here
- Looking for free-from recipes? Then check out all my yummy recipe here
Head to kezihall.com/blog to stream from there or subscribe to the Gut Goddess Show on iTunes and then it will delivered to your device every single week.