Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
Ep 230: Things we should all have been told about our health & bodies
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
This week in the podcast, we are looking at the 10 things that I wish I had been told about my health and my body.
Things that I wish I had been told when I was growing up, or even just a decade ago as a young adult and I'm sharing them with you because something my clients say to me all the time is, why did no one tell me this? Why didn't I know this?
I have clients that are retired, and they're like, I didn't know this. I didn't know this about my hormones. I didn't know this about my body. I didn't know this about the food that I eat.
So, I want to save you that thought, and go through all the different things that I think we should all know about our bodies, about our health, and I think this is going to be a really inspiring episode for you.
It might also be a bit of a kick up the butt, but that I'm okay with that. We need a bit of both. We sometimes need a bit of encouragement in the right direction and some inspiration all at the same time.
Want to see BIG results in your energy, belly, skin and hormones?
Then chances are you need some personalised support (hint – that is what I do!). Click here to find out more and to book your call with me.
Resources Mentioned
- Find out more about working with me here – and book your call.
- Find out more on how to deal with constipation – here and here
- Find out about the BIGGEST mistake people make in supporting their digestion here
- Looking for free-from recipes? Then check out all my yummy recipe here
Head to kezihall.com/blog to stream from there or subscribe to the Gut Goddess Show on iTunes and then it will delivered to your device every single week.
Thursday Nov 24, 2022
MINI #4: This is why it feels HARD
Thursday Nov 24, 2022
Thursday Nov 24, 2022
If you have ever felt like your body and your health has been hard and difficult to work on, I just want to let you know that if you have a female body, then the female body being healthy and good, and well actually hasn't been something that has been valued, prioritised, or promoted in our Western culture for a really, really long time.
So, we inadvertently get trained and unconsciously told and have done since we were little, that how we feel doesn't matter, that our bodies as females aren't our own and that actually the safest thing to do is to potentially disconnect from our physicality because it's dangerous and it's not ours to own anyway. So there's nothing we can do about it.
If you then add into that the medical bias and the lack of data that we've had, the lack of investment in research into medical treatments and all of that stuff for specifically females, if you add into that the assumption that women are just small men medically speaking, you can then begin to build a picture and understand and then have so much compassion for yourself and for your body.
So many of the people that I work with find their relationship with their body and their health really hard, and then they can quickly jump to blaming themselves for that or their lack of self control or willpower or like some personal failing.
I just wanna gently remind you and offer you this other option of thought that is the system has actually been rigged against you for a really, really long time.
Systems, structures, thought patterns, paradigms have actually created an environment that probably has made it really hard for you in a female body to be well, to have a healthy relationship with your body, to be connected to your physicality, to know and understand.
Take your periods, for example, growing up, that was such a shameful thing. You used to hide that you wouldn't tell anyone about it, and therefore, what we shame we don't learn about.
So many women don't really even know about their own biology, their own cycle. Just using that as an example because it's been so gross and shameful and something to hide when actually it's something that the entire human race depends on. (But that's a whole other topic)
So, I hope this thought has been helpful. I hope that this gives you some permission to just be a bit more compassionate to yourself.
You've been doing the best job you can. You've been doing the best job with the tools that you've been given, and the reason that things have been hard is not necessarily a personal failing. It probably isn't. You've gotta look at the bigger context of everything that's been in our world and the structures that we have influencing us.
So, I hope that gives you hope, and I just encourage you to just be a bit kinder to yourself today.
And a really great way to counteract this is to actually really learn to celebrate yourself and the areas of progress that you make instead of thinking about everything you haven't done. Really think about what you have done and celebrate that.
Please make sure you leave a review on iTunes. If you haven't done so already, that would mean so much and mean this podcast gets to be in front of even more people's ears.
And if you wanna join me in the shift retreat and create that shift in your hormones and in your belly, and in your energy, and in your relationship with food in your body, the shift that you've been craving for a long time, but unable to do on your own, come and join us in the Shift Retreat.
There's six month payment plans available, and I would love to be with you in person. It's in North Barrack, so based in Scotland, March, 2023, and I would love to see you there. Head to keziahall.com/shift.
Want to see BIG results in your energy, belly, skin and hormones?
Then chances are you need some personalised support (hint – that is what I do!). Click here to find out more and to book your call with me.
Resources Mentioned
- Find out more about working with me here – and book your call.
- Find out more on how to deal with constipation – here and here
- Find out about the BIGGEST mistake people make in supporting their digestion here
- Looking for free-from recipes? Then check out all my yummy recipe here
Head to kezihall.com/blog to stream from there or subscribe to the Gut Goddess Show on iTunes and then it will delivered to your device every single week.
Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
*Black Friday Interruption* (Special offer coming for the SHIFT Retreat!)
Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
Sign up at keziahall.com/friday
Special offer for the in-person Retreat will run Friday 25th Nov - Monday 28th November. The ONLY way to access it is via the waitlist.
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Ep 229: You need to do this if you want to seeing lasting weight loss
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
So, you need to do this one thing if you want to see some lasting shifts in your body composition, in weight loss, or in any other area of your health.
If you want to see some big, easy, sustainable, and lasting shifts in your body composition or in your gut health or in your skin or in your hormonal health, this is something that you need to adopt and it will change everything for you.
It'll actually make the whole process feel easier and just stop you being stuck in this vicious cycle of on, off, on, off, and will actually help you to just see some sustainable results.
And I'm going to be sharing with you a little bit more about some of the key takeaways of my own recent weight loss process. I had twins last year and gained a lot of weight with them as you would, and have been gently, very gently working on my own body composition and weight loss.
And I want to share with you some of the bigger picture, the higher level strategies that I've been applying that have made that possible in the business of life.
Even the other day, I was thinking, ‘oh my goodness. Yeah, I'm totally at the weight I want to be now. Oh, that happened, awesome' and it didn't feel like a big deal. I'm going to share with you how you can apply those same things to make it easier and simpler for you, which sounds pretty good, right?
Want to see BIG results in your energy, belly, skin and hormones?
Then chances are you need some personalised support (hint – that is what I do!). Click here to find out more and to book your call with me.
Resources Mentioned
- Find out more about working with me here – and book your call.
- Find out more on how to deal with constipation – here and here
- Find out about the BIGGEST mistake people make in supporting their digestion here
- Looking for free-from recipes? Then check out all my yummy recipe here
Head to kezihall.com/blog to stream from there or subscribe to the Gut Goddess Show on iTunes and then it will delivered to your device every single week.
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
MINI #3: We all need to be reminded of this
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
For many people, this has been a bit of a revelation, and it's just a really simple idea that how you feel every single day, how your body feels, how your mental health is, your motivation, the food habits you have, the way you honor your body with food, the way you move or don't move.
All of these things, that are just part of our day to day, are actually our lives. The way that you feel on a day to day basis is actually the very thing that *is* your life that makes up your whole life.
So, what I mean by this is so often people just keep putting off, dealing with their health or their food habits or whatever it is for some other point in their life - when they think everything, or will maybe be ready or sorted or something.
Whereas actually, we kind of put things off to the future without realizing that it sounds odd and very simple to say, but your life is right now in this moment, and for so many people I work with, they tolerate feeling awful for so long that when we suddenly work together and they make loads of progress, they suddenly realize, ‘Oh my goodness, I spent 10 years of my life tolerating all of these things and kept pushing it forward, pushing it forward, push to some time in the future when they have more money or when they have more time.
When the kids are older. When, then, when, then, when, then. Whereas your health and your body is your life.
Want to see BIG results in your energy, belly, skin and hormones?
Then chances are you need some personalised support (hint – that is what I do!). Click here to find out more and to book your call with me.
Resources Mentioned
- Find out more about working with me here – and book your call.
- Find out more on how to deal with constipation – here and here
- Find out about the BIGGEST mistake people make in supporting their digestion here
- Looking for free-from recipes? Then check out all my yummy recipe here
Head to kezihall.com/blog to stream from there or subscribe to the Gut Goddess Show on iTunes and then it will delivered to your device every single week.
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Ep 228: Three things I do to make my health & eating SO much easier!
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
This week on the podcast, I'm sharing with you the three things that I do that make eating healthy and my relationship with food and working on my health so much easier.
They take away the overwhelm, the sense of hardness and difficulty, and just make this whole journey so much lighter, easier, and more effortless.
Because one of the things that holds people back is the idea that thinking about improving their gut, their hormones, their skin, working on their specific diagnoses or health conditions just feels like another massive project or task on their to-do list, and they're already like tapped out.
So, I'm sharing the three things that I implement regularly that make working on my health and me becoming the healthiest version I can be so much easier.
Want to see BIG results in your energy, belly, skin and hormones?
Then chances are you need some personalised support (hint – that is what I do!). Click here to find out more and to book your call with me.
Resources Mentioned
- Find out more about working with me here – and book your call.
- Find out more on how to deal with constipation – here and here
- Find out about the BIGGEST mistake people make in supporting their digestion here
- Looking for free-from recipes? Then check out all my yummy recipe here
Head to kezihall.com/blog to stream from there or subscribe to the Gut Goddess Show on iTunes and then it will delivered to your device every single week.
Thursday Nov 10, 2022
MINI#2: Only you can do this
Thursday Nov 10, 2022
Thursday Nov 10, 2022
The thought I have for you as part of this mini episode is that no one can do this for you, when it comes to your gut, your hormones, your relationship with your body, your relationship with food and your energy or whatever diagnosis you're looking at, or your skin or your gut microbiome or your IBS, no one can sort that but you.
Yes, you know, my whole job is supporting people through that, so you can get support, but this is something that you have to DECIDE.
And I know for me, for a long time, or when I first realized this, it wasn't a conscious thought I had, but there was this unconscious thought that hopefully there I would stumble across some magic, fix some one thing, one supplement, one medication, one thing that would just like fix everything for me.
And the reality is that's very rarely the case. I needed to take responsibility for my whole self. Only you can decide that this is worth it, that you feeling good and being well is worth it.
Want to see BIG results in your energy, belly, skin and hormones?
Then chances are you need some personalised support (hint – that is what I do!). Click here to find out more and to book your call with me.
Resources Mentioned
- Find out more about working with me here – and book your call.
- Find out more on how to deal with constipation – here and here
- Find out about the BIGGEST mistake people make in supporting their digestion here
- Looking for free-from recipes? Then check out all my yummy recipe here
Head to kezihall.com/blog to stream from there or subscribe to the Gut Goddess Show on iTunes and then it will delivered to your device every single week.
Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
Ep 227: Why stool tests are game changer if you are struggling
Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
Wednesday Nov 09, 2022
This week we are talking about why gut microbiome tests are game changers and why I get all of my clients to take scoops of their own poo, send them off to a lab so that we can get data.
This episode is a deep dive into why stool tests are one of my most common live tests that I run with clients and why that's a game changer.
Why getting this type of data can really accelerate your progress and mean that even if you've been struggling with stuff for maybe a decade (which a lot of my clients have) - when you gather the right types of data and know what they mean and what to do about them, you can see results within a couple of weeks or within a couple of months, despite having struggled for years.
Want to see BIG results in your energy, belly, skin and hormones?
Then chances are you need some personalised support (hint – that is what I do!). Click here to find out more and to book your call with me.
Resources Mentioned
- Find out more about working with me here – and book your call.
- Find out more on how to deal with constipation – here and here
- Find out about the BIGGEST mistake people make in supporting their digestion here
- Looking for free-from recipes? Then check out all my yummy recipe here
Head to kezihall.com/blog to stream from there or subscribe to the Gut Goddess Show on iTunes and then it will delivered to your device every single week.
Thursday Nov 03, 2022
Mini #1: The pressure of ’body love’ & what I do
Thursday Nov 03, 2022
Thursday Nov 03, 2022
In this mini episode, I’m sharing some thoughts on this thing that we call ‘body love’ and loving all aspects of your body.
After working with a lot of women, I have found that often going from frustration and hate and disappointment and trauma with your body, making that jump to body love, it's like way too big. It's like a bungee jump. Some people wanna do it. A lot of people are like, ‘No, thank you’.
If you know you have a toxic relationship with your body and you know there's dieting, there's harshness, there's unkindness…or another way of thinking about it is: Are you a bully to your body? Are you harsh, mean, critical? Always picking on the flaws, always pointing out the squidgy bits, the fat bits, whatever.
If that is the relationship you've had with your body and you want to shift it, it can be really helpful, instead of jumping from like A to B or doing this massive bungee jump to try and get to body positivity or body love to actually just aim for appreciation and maybe even just neutrality.
So, it could be that you're not necessarily saying that you start doing affirmations about how much you love the cellulite on your legs, but you might just really start to appreciate your heartbeat and the fact that it beats and you don't do anything about that. You don't make it happen. You don't force it to happen and it just beats, maybe you appreciate your lungs, expanding, contracting, expanding, contracting. Maybe you think about your toes and how they help balance your feet. Maybe you think about your skin and how awesome it is.
Yet maybe it has blemishes, maybe it has scars, but it contains you, it protects you. Maybe you want to think about your hair or your sight or your nose.
Really do a deep dive, just a scan of how you can appreciate your body a little bit more and then instead of jumping to, ‘I love my body’ thoughts, think about more neutralised thoughts like: I appreciate my body / I have a body /I'm learning to acknowledge my body / I'm learning to respect my body with the choices and food that I eat.
You don't have to go from, ‘I hate this' to ‘I love it, everything's fine, I love everything about it’
But a great middle ground while you shift your relationship with food is appreciating your body and I honestly guarantee as you appreciate your body more, the way you treat it will naturally improve, the choices you make will change because with appreciation over time comes building respect and with respect comes different choices.
When you're bingey and criticizing yourself, there's no respect going on for your body, for your temple, for your vessel but as you cultivate appreciation, you cultivate all the ways that your body gives to you. And yes, there's maybe stuff to work on and that's okay, but you can actually focus on all the ways that your body serves you. You can appreciate that and hopefully build some respect.
Respect for your body is actually incredible and that can take you so far and completely transform your relationship with food and relationship with your health.
You don't have to unconditionally love every aspect of your flesh, but we can appreciate it, we can respect it. And therefore when we respect and appreciate something, we honour it with our choices and actions.
Want to see BIG results in your energy, belly, skin and hormones?
Then chances are you need some personalised support (hint – that is what I do!). Click here to find out more and to book your call with me.
Resources Mentioned
- Find out more about working with me here – and book your call.
- Find out more on how to deal with constipation – here and here
- Find out about the BIGGEST mistake people make in supporting their digestion here
- Looking for free-from recipes? Then check out all my yummy recipe here
Head to kezihall.com/blog to stream from there or subscribe to the Gut Goddess Show on iTunes and then it will delivered to your device every single week.
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
This week on the podcast, we are looking at how history has set your brain up to fail when it comes to you having a well healthy, energised, balanced, awesome body relationship with food and wellbeing.
I really think that your awareness of this, awareness of history and your mindset and the psychology and some of the things that you may be consciously aware of in the day to day will really help you to have a more compassion towards your body and your health, which will then help you to make more progress and see results with more speed and ease.
So, often people that I work with beat themselves up and take their current situation, their current symptoms, health diagnosis, the current area of struggle that they find themselves in, and they just blame it on a personal failing, their lack of discipline, their lack of self-control, their sugar addiction, etc.
It can be really helpful sometimes to become aware of the context of your body and life and health choices because you will see the most and biggest and most easy to sustain results when it comes to your health, when it comes from a place of compassion.
If you try to bully and criticize and push your way into balanced hormones and a better body composition and improved gut health and no more IBS and a better improved mood and all these things. If you try and push that, you might see results for a short period of time, but you're not going to see that effortlessly healthy lifestyle that you probably want.
So, that is what we're diving into today. I am recording this on Halloween, which is fun, and it's going to be a bit of a Samhain/Halloween themed podcast because of some of the history that I'm sharing. I hope you enjoy!
Want to see BIG results in your energy, belly, skin and hormones?
Then chances are you need some personalised support (hint – that is what I do!). Click here to find out more and to book your call with me.
Resources Mentioned
- Find out more about working with me here – and book your call.
- Find out more on how to deal with constipation – here and here
- Find out about the BIGGEST mistake people make in supporting their digestion here
- Looking for free-from recipes? Then check out all my yummy recipe here
Head to kezihall.com/blog to stream from there or subscribe to the Gut Goddess Show on iTunes and then it will delivered to your device every single week.