Wednesday Sep 25, 2024
BONUS: Should we pay attention to calories?
Wednesday Sep 25, 2024
Wednesday Sep 25, 2024
In this bonus episode, I’m talking all about calories and if we should pay any attention to calories at all.
We see calories noted on everything so should we just ignore it completely and think calories are complete BS or are they actually something we want to pay attention to?
Should we track them and create a calorie deficit to reduce body fat? Are we eating too many calories?
- Book your free call with me here
- If you want to work with me, I have spaces in my new program, Bloom.
- Beat the Sweet: Sugar Detox & Recipe Collection
Tuesday Sep 24, 2024
Ep 305: Ultimate guide to weight loss
Tuesday Sep 24, 2024
Tuesday Sep 24, 2024
In this episode, I’m giving you the ultimate guide to weight loss and breaking down the 5 key areas you need to focus on to make fat loss inevitable.
With so much conflicting information out there, I’ve created this episode to bring together all my thoughts and strategies in one place. Whether you're just starting your journey or have tried everything, this guide will help you gain clarity on what shifting your body composition truly requires—and how to make that decision with confidence.
Change always involves effort, and when it comes to weight loss, mindset is just as important as external habit changes for most people. The path to weight loss depends on your personal history, what you’ve tried before, and how much weight you’d like to release.
Whether your goal is to lose 10 pounds or 10 stone, the approach will vary, but these core components are essential no matter what.
This episode is your ULTIMATE holistic guide to weight loss—one that considers both body and mind!
- Book your free call with me here
- If you want to work with me, I have spaces in my new program, Bloom.
- Beat the Sweet: Sugar Detox & Recipe Collection
Tuesday Sep 10, 2024
Tuesday Sep 10, 2024
In this episode, I'm sharing with you the five reasons that I have lost body fat and gained muscle whilst eating more pizza and cake and drinking Prosecco and just generally having a more relaxed approach around food.
This is for you if you're ready to create a better belly and gut health, balance your hormones, and create a more peaceful, happier mind.
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👉 Take the Gut Goddess Quiz to get personalised insights in just 5 minutes keziahall.com/quiz
- Book your free call with me here
- If you want to work with me, I have spaces in my new program, Bloom.
- Beat the Sweet: Sugar Detox & Recipe Collection
Wednesday Jul 03, 2024
Wednesday Jul 03, 2024
How do you become your most radiant energised self this summer? Where do you get that summer glow from? And I can tell you it's not from a five-day juice cleanse.
In this podcast episode, I'm going to share with you some of the summer glow basics.
This time of year can feel really hectic. Summer is often filled with a lot of busyness like weddings and holidays. It can also be really busy for some people as well, especially if you are a parent and are navigating school holidays and time off and work. All this busyness often means that it’s also a time when people are most likely to crash diet, do a juice cleanse or suddenly start going to the gym every day of the week to shape up for their bikini.
There is often an attitude of ‘sack it, what's the point? I'm just going to eat ice cream. I'll start again in September or I'll start again when the kids go back or I can't look after my health right now’
If that's going on in the back of your brain, I just want to call a bit of BS to that because this isn't about being on or off something. You don't need to do a juice cleanse in order to go into a bikini. If you need a new size bikini just buy one or just don't wear a bikini. Do whatever you want. It’s your body.
Remember that confidence is a practice. Confidence doesn't come from body size. Confidence comes from beliefs. It comes from something that we internally practice. It doesn't come from the label on your jeans or the label on your bikini. It comes from within you.
So, there can be a lot going on in the summer and so in this episode, I want cut through the crap and share with you some of the things to focus on, some of the things that I will be focusing on and give you a couple of essential reminders.
- Book your free call with me here
- If you want to work with me, I have spaces in my new program, Bloom.
- Beat the Sweet: Sugar Detox & Recipe Collection
Wednesday Jun 26, 2024
Ep 302: The most important thing you need to do to sort out hormones, belly and mood
Wednesday Jun 26, 2024
Wednesday Jun 26, 2024
In this episode, I am going to be giving you a really big dose of clarity, a gentle kick up the butt now that we are halfway through the year.
I love reflecting on the six months that have gone past and the six months ahead, so I want to encourage you to take some time to think about what you want for the next six months as we dive into this episode.
So, what is the most important thing that you need to know and do in order to sort out your hormones, to create a happier and flatter belly, to improve your mood, to have more glowing radiant skin, to have more energy and to become that really well healthy radiant kick ass woman that feels like your life and your body and your health is a springboard for the rest of your life that you're not limited by?
Your body and health propel you towards the life you want to live. Whatever it is that you want to do, your body is the platform and springboard for all of those things.
Whether that's your career, parenting, in social justice, house renovations, traveling the world, retraining, starting a new career; all these things require you to be well.
We are in the age of information, so you can Google a symptom, how to get rid of it, how to deal with it, why you have it, what supplements might help, etc and you can get tons of information.
But we are not lacking in information, we actually have an abundance to the point of often where that feels overwhelming. What you need is clarity and structure in order to see massive progress and make massive results.
- Book your free call with me here
- If you want to work with me, I have spaces in my new program, Bloom.
- Beat the Sweet: Sugar Detox & Recipe Collection
Wednesday Jun 19, 2024
Ep 301: Demystifying probiotics, prebiotics & what you need for a healthy gut
Wednesday Jun 19, 2024
Wednesday Jun 19, 2024
In this episode, we're diving into gut health and looking kind of at a couple of basics - Probiotics, prebiotics, postbiotics and synbiotics which is something that you might have seen on the internet.
I want to demystify this for you so that you know what that is, if it can help, and what is actually going to help your gut health because gut health is a foundation of hormonal health and healthy periods and healthy menopause and fertility.
Gut health is the foundation of mental health, of sleep, of glowing skin, it plays a role in body composition, energy production, your immune system and autoimmune conditions.
- Book your free call with me here
- If you want to work with me, I have spaces in my new program, Bloom.
- Beat the Sweet: Sugar Detox & Recipe Collection
Wednesday Jun 12, 2024
Ep 300: Eating 101: what to eat (in a world of contradicting advice and opinions!
Wednesday Jun 12, 2024
Wednesday Jun 12, 2024
Welcome to episode 300!
Thank you so much for being here, whether you're new to the podcast or been listening for years, I appreciate you being here. I’m sending you so much love.
We're creating our own movement in this corner of the internet where we are becoming well women, where we are learning how to heal, thrive, energized, so that we can be radiant. That is available for you right here on the Gut Goddess Show with 300 episodes to help you.
So, let’s dive into this episode…
Today, I want to take things back to basics and look at eating. Eating 101 in a world where you are told probably five contradictory things every single day on Instagram about what you should or should not be eating so - what the heck do you eat?
As a Holistic Nutritionist and Coach, I'm going to be sharing with you the 5 different areas or structures that you want to be following and thinking about when it comes to food. You can fit in whether you're vegetarian, high-carb, low fat or plant-based.
Applying these principles will really help your hormones, your mental health, weight loss if that's necessary and desired, and also help with your gut health.
Let's dive in!
- Book your free call with me here
- If you want to work with me, I have spaces in my new program, Bloom.
- Beat the Sweet: Sugar Detox & Recipe Collection
Wednesday Jun 05, 2024
Ep 299: The beliefs that are holding you back
Wednesday Jun 05, 2024
Wednesday Jun 05, 2024
In this episode, we are looking at beliefs because as a Nutritionist and Coach, I've worked with loads of people over the years and I spend the majority of my time with clients looking at what actions they can take, what tweaks can we make, what habits can we shift, what foods can we add in, etc. - We create a personalised plan of action.
But taking the right kind of healing, wonderful actions that you need in order to be your most radiant, confident, energized, infused, calm, peaceful, happy self actually requires certain beliefs in order to take that action. This is a thing that people often miss.
They blame themselves because they just can't stop eating the sugar and bread or they can't seem to meditate and they just blame the fact that they're not taking the “right” actions.
Sometimes you're not taking the right actions because you don't know what they are (and if that's the case you need to book your Well Woman Audit).
Or sometimes you know what the right action is but you are still not able to do it which is where it goes deeper and we need to review your beliefs.
- Book your free call with me here
- If you want to work with me, I have spaces in my new program, Bloom.
- Beat the Sweet: Sugar Detox & Recipe Collection
Wednesday May 29, 2024
Ep 298: Which imbalance do you have? The top 5 root causes I see with clients
Wednesday May 29, 2024
Wednesday May 29, 2024
Let's talk about what could be going on in your body. I'm a big fan of understanding your root cause. That's why I do what I do as a Holistic Nutritionist and Coach.
The reason that I talk about figuring out your root cause and asking why is because I know in my own health journey (and in the countless women that I've helped) one of the biggest obstacles is for you making progress and being that well, radiant, energised version, woman of yourself is often that you don't actually understand what's going on and when you don't understand what's going on, you don't feel empowered.
You feel stuck and hopeless and think there is no point in doing anything. Not having clarity will keep you stuck. It will also keep you feeling demotivated and uninspired.
In this episode, we're going to be looking at what imbalances you have and the top five root causes I see with clients is because I want you to start thinking about what is at the root of your symptoms whether that’s low energy, anxiety, awful periods, sluggishness, skin issues, irregularities in your period, an autoimmune condition. What could be the root causes?
When you start to understand the root causes, you gain clarity. When you gain clarity, you gain motivation and feel inspired, and you feel really hopeful.
These are the feelings that help you create change and take consistent action.
- Book your free call with me here
- If you want to work with me, I have spaces in my new program, Bloom.
- Beat the Sweet: Sugar Detox & Recipe Collection
Wednesday May 22, 2024
Ep 297: The secret to stopping ‘bad’ eating habits once and for all
Wednesday May 22, 2024
Wednesday May 22, 2024
What are the secrets to stopping bad eating habits once and for all? That's what we're looking at in this episode.
I don't want you to have this ‘food drama’ going on where it's good food, bad food, on a wagon, off a wagon, where you are spiraling into a pit and you're feeling really guilty about what you eat. This kind of food obsession/focus is very draining.
If you often think things like ‘I've been so good all week and I just ruined it by eating this’ or ‘why can't I stop eating sugar or bread’ this episode is for you.
I want you to enjoy your food, I want you to find pleasure in food, maybe even comfort in food. I personally do find comfort in food sometimes and that's okay!
I don't want your relationship with food to drain your energy. Your relationship with food can have joy and creativity if you want it to, but it also needs to be kind of neutral. - The food that you eat doesn't mean anything about who you are or have any say in your worth or your value as a person but so often that's what we tie this to.
“I've eaten bad food therefore I'm a bad person” - This kind of thinking needs to stop otherwise you're really going to struggle to make progress.
In this episode, I'm going to be sharing four secrets to stopping these bad eating habits or to stop spiraling into that ‘on and off / good and bad’ trajectory that so many of us are on.
- Book your free call with me here
- If you want to work with me, I have spaces in my new program, Bloom.
- Beat the Sweet: Sugar Detox & Recipe Collection